
Deploying the client#

Click here to fork the sudo-flix Github repository

Click here to go to Vercel

Sign in using either a GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.

Clicking the "New Project" button on the top right of your dashboard and following the steps to create a new project for your self hosted version of movie web.

After clicking it, you'll be presented with a list of Git repositories that the Git account you've signed up with has write access to.

Select your own fork of the sudo-flix Github repository.

Configure the environment variables:

  • VITE_CORS_PROXY_URL: Enter your proxy URL here. Make sure to not have a slash at the end of your URL.


  • VITE_TMDB_READ_API_KEY: Enter your TMDB Read Access Token here. Please read the TMDB page on how to get an API key.

  • VITE_BACKEND_URL: Only set if you have a self-hosted backend. Put in your backend URL. Check out configuration reference for details. Make sure to not have a slash at the end of the URL.

Click "Deploy"

Congrats! You have your own version of sudo-flix hosted.

You may wish to configure a custom domain - Please consult the Vercel docs for how to do this.

Method 2 - Cloudflare Pages (Best host)#

Fork sudo-flix on Github.

Go to Cloudflare pages and click "Sign Up".

Create a Cloudflare account.

If you already have a Cloudflare account you will be redirected to the workers and pages dashboard.

Now, click the blue "Create" button at the top of the page.

By default Cloudflare assumes your creating a worker instead, change the "Workers" tab to "Pages".

Select the blue button that says "Connect to git" and then connect the Github account you forked sudo-flix on.

Now you can select repositories from your github account, select your fork of sudo-flix and click "Begin setup".

Give your project a silly name and select main as the production branch.

In "Build settings" change the "Build command" to pnpm build and the "Build output directory" to dist.

Select the Environment variable drop down and add the below variables.

VITE_TMDB_READ_API_KEY = eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiI1NzlkZWYyZDY5ZWFlNDk4ZjJiOTI4MTgyNDdjM2ViMCIsInN1YiI6IjY2MjdmMGJlNjJmMzM1MDE0YmQ4NTFmMiIsInNjb3BlcyI6WyJhcGlfcmVhZCJdLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoxfQ.h3KpPvkiaz8uNz1bntAKqsPrxG_4UUWaY3kYME6N6m8

Click "Save and Deploy" to watch your new site deploy.

Congrats! You have your own version of sudo-flix hosted for FREE.

Method 3 - Static Web Host#

Download the file from the latest release:

Extract the ZIP file so you can edit the files.

Open config.js in an editor such as Notepad, Visual Studio Code or similar.

Put your proxy URL in-between the double quotes of VITE_CORS_PROXY_URL: "". Make sure to not have a slash at the end of your URL. Example (THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, IT WON'T WORK FOR YOU): VITE_CORS_PROXY_URL: ""

Put your TMDB Read Access Token inside the quotes of VITE_TMDB_READ_API_KEY: "". Please read the TMDB page on how to get an API key.

If you have a self-hosted backend server, enter your URL in the VITE_BACKEND_URL variable. Check out configuration reference for details. Make sure to not have a slash at the end of the URL.

Save the file.

Upload all of the files to a static website hosting such as:

Congrats! You have your own version of sudo-flix hosted.

Method 4 - Docker Compose - Home Network#

This method is meant for those using a desktop device or single board computer with a minimum of 4GB of RAM such as a Raspberry Pi to run sudo-flix on there home network for network connected devices.

  1. Ensure you have docker installed. In a newly created directory called sudo-flix create a file called docker-compose.yaml. Paste the contents of the code block below into this file.
version: "3.8"
      # args:
      #   TMDB_READ_API_KEY: ""
      #   CORS_PROXY_URL: ""
      #   BACKEND_URL: ""
      - "80:80"
    restart: unless-stopped

Within the docker-compose.yaml file uncomment args, TMDB_READ_API_KEY, CORS_PROXY_URL.

  • Make sure args is in-line with context
  • Make sure TMDB_READ_API_KEY and CORS_PROXY_URL are tabbed once to the right of args.

Put your proxy URL in-between the double quotes of CORS_PROXY_URL: "". Make sure to not have a slash at the end of your URL.


Put your TMDB Read Access Token inside the quotes of TMDB_READ_API_KEY: "". Please read the TMDB page on how to get an API key.

Uncomment and add any additional environment variables you may need. Remove the VITE_ prefix when adding an environment variable to args.

Save the file!

Now use docker to run movieweb as background service.

# sudo-flix is the current working directory
$ docker compose up --detach

Verify that setup was successful

  • Navigate to http://localhost. You should see the UI for sudo-flix. Find something to watch and make sure that it plays.
  • View logs with
$ docker compose logs --follow movieweb

Set a static IP address for your device.

Navigate to movie web at http://<static-ip-address from another device connected to your network.

To Perform Updates For New Releases of Movie Web#

Make sure sudo-flix is your current working directory and run:

# Re-build the image and start the container
$ docker compose up --build --detach